Android Buddy
Leverage the most diverse online audio distribution platform right from your games, Soundcloud!
Uni-Tunes enables you to build Soundcloud playlists for iOS & Android output right from the editor. When you are ready, save and include a config file in your project, or load from URL to enable playback of your playlist in your Unity content, all with a compact and extendable GUI player, and an easy to use API.
Available in the Unity Asset Store
Android Buddy is a Unity plugin built for extending your reach into the Native Android OS from Unity, via an easy to use C# API.
Fetures include:
Android permissions: Get the status of a permission (works on all versions of
Android 2.3.3 to 6.0)
Android 6 Runtime permissions: Request a new Runtime Permission
Multi-threaded Google Advertiser ID retrieval
Schedule Local Notifications
Full C# code provided
Works on Android SDK 9 (minSdkVersion) onwards
Comes packaged with Google Play Game Services (required for Google
Advertiser ID retrieval, exclude on import if you have your own)
Comes packaged with android-support-v4.jar (exclude on import if you have
your own)
API for customizing Local Push Notification icon and sounds
Retrieve Native app version name
Retrieve Native app version code
Retrieve Native package name
Retrieve Native AndroidID
Available in the Unity Asset Store
Coming soon
iOS Buddy is a Unity plugin built for extending your reach into the Native Android OS from Unity, via an easy to use C# API.
Coming soon
Native Buddy provides all the power features of iOS Buddy and Android Buddy combined, available via a uniform cross-platfrom C# API.